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Last updated
Mercury exposes it's grid configuration object as a store metafield
But you can also fetch it directly from the API
Mercury's core experience is our Search & Merch Engine. It consists of some key endpoints, which handle the heavy lifting for you to create seamless Search & Collection experiences using our embeddable experience or your own custom experience.
Suggest returns a list of similar / popular search terms related to your query
Available on Mercury Pro/Enterprise Plans
Search returns a page of search results for a given search term
The engine will handle
Synonym Matching
Search Modifiers
Saved Searches
Learn more here
Collection returns a page of collection results for a given collection query term
The engine will handle
Sorting based on advanced rules
Collection merchandising content
Inline merchandising content
When constructing the grid, you will have to merge the merchandising content and the product content to match the configuration of the store's config to allow the mercury admin preview to match the end users collection experience
Learn more here
Whitelisted origins will return store data for a given URL - used for Production Traffic
A Mercury Provided Bypass Token, will provide scoped access to a stores data - used for Local Development
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The term to search the Autocomplete Dictionary for
Whitelisted origins will return store data for a given URL - used for Production Traffic
A Mercury Provided Bypass Token, will provide scoped access to a stores data - used for Local Development
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The term to search the Search Index for
Allow the search to return similar search terms
Allow the search to return redirect URLs for the given search term
A page number to return the results from, pages are calculated from the take param (default 20)
Additional filter objects - Stringified
The amount of results to skip, should be a multiple of the "Take"
The amount of results to return, (max 50, default 20)
Whitelisted origins will return store data for a given URL - used for Production Traffic
A Mercury Provided Bypass Token, will provide scoped access to a stores data - used for Local Development
A page number to return the results from, pages are calculated from the take param (default 20)
Additional filter objects - Stringified
The amount of results to skip, should be a multiple of the "Take"
The amount of results to return, (max 50, default 20)
Whitelisted origins will return store data for a given URL - used for Production Traffic
A Mercury Provided Bypass Token, will provide scoped access to a stores data - used for Local Development
A comma separated list of product handles
Whitelisted origins will return store data for a given URL - used for Production Traffic
A Mercury Provided Bypass Token, will provide scoped access to a stores data - used for Local Development