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Most of our endpoints use "POST" requests to keep transmission of sensitive data secure - but this service is not to be used for storing any personal data - and is up to you the developer to make sure that your experience conforms with this requirement.
Cupid exposes an active store id for a given myShopify domain.
Returns a complete wishlist for a provided email.
This is our default experience endpoint for non authenticated users, typically we recommend storing a wishlist Id in localstorage and fetching the wishlist at the beginning of the browsing session for SPA's
Delete a wishlist and all of its events, not to be confused with "tombstone"-ing a wishlist which will clear the public history of a given wishlist, but keep the id.
Submitting an event without providing a wishlist Id will create a wishlist and return the id for you to store client side.
This is the default experience, you can provide any eventType for your own purposes, but we have some protected events that provide certain functionality. Cupid stores wishlists as a timeseries of events, and accepts freeform event bodies, allowing developers to build highly flexible experiences.
Reserved events include:
Will add a product to a rendered wishlist
Will remove a product from a rendered wishlist
Wishlist prefixed events are deduplicated when a wishlist is rendered, returning only the current status of the wishlist, if you send 3 wishlist/add events for a given object Id, you will only receive the latest event. If an object has been removed from a wishlist after it is added, no reference to that will be returned.
Will add an email to a rendered withlist
Will hide all events that took place before the tombstone event, perfect for a "clear wishlist" button.
We strongly recommend you do not send Cupid any sensitive customer information - we do try to take every precaution, but will not be held responsible if you send a wishlist information of a personal nature.
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