Related Products

Data Structure

The Related Products Experience is typically presented on a Shopify 2.0 theme using the following metafield structure which is a simple flat array of product meta.

        "id": "123456789",
        "color": "#000",
        "scolor": "",
        "label": "Black Example",
        "handle": "black-example",
        "soldout": false,
        "hidden": false,
        "group": "Color"
        "id": "123456780",
        "color": "#fff",
        "scolor": "",
        "label": "WhiteExample",
        "handle": "white-example",
        "soldout": false,
        "hidden": false,
        "group": "Color"

Field Definitions

Operating Logic

When products are updated in the store, the changes are reflected on all the metafields used by that group

In the case of a product selling out - which is considered when stock falls to 0 or below, the soldout flag will be set to true

UI on the widget can be toggled to show a sold-out experience if desired which reduces to opacity and strikethroughs the swatch.

In the case of a product being "deleted" or "archived", the product is removed from the group

In the case of a product being set to "draft", the product will be set to "hidden" to avoid any 404 errors

Last updated